30-10-2008 Russia in the Mix 002

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* Now Listening : 837 ~ 14 Poshout - Russia in the Mix 002 on AH.FM *

I feel that the quality of the residents here is quite outstanding and would be definately more than a match for any of those guys on that list:bravo:

:smile1: Did I miss the name of Matt Darey ? :hmmm: ( I could mention more names .. .. .. ) Just an example of how questionable any outcome can be. Promotion plays a large role too (shrugs) :music:
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01. Emilio Fernandez - Let It Go (Vocal Mix)
02. blank and jones - <st1:state w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">california</st1:place></st1:state> sunset (martin roth and blank and jones mash up)
03. Paul Miller - Curler (Ilya Soloviev & Poshout pres. Crystal Design Remix)
04. Jon O'bir Feat Emi - Do It All Again (Duderstadt Progressive Remix)
05. XGenic - Prometeus (Ilya Soloviev & Poshout pres. Crystal Design Remix) <o:p></o:p>
06. ID - ID<o:p></o:p>
07. C-Systems - Close My Eyes (Lemon & Einar K Remix) <o:p></o:p>
08. Simon Patterson – Us (Original Mix) <o:p></o:p>
09. Airbase – <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Tangerine</st1:city> <st1:state w:st="on">ON</st1:state></st1:place> AIR<o:p></o:p>
* Now Listening : 845 ~ 14 Poshout - Russia in the Mix 002 on AH.FM *

i just cant listen to this tune...it has so many nostalgic memories for me












(c) JayCan

and Danmark you've got a great way of posting :mml:
WOW :bravo::music::super::music::super::bravo::music:
* 14 Poshout - Russia in the Mix 002 on AH.FM ~ Now Listening : 848 *

ok I m off too :(

have to wake up very early tomorrow and try to be at work on time :mask:
Good night everyone and keep on dancing :dancing:

Kisses :love:

:grinning: :hug: bye Faustus - sweet dreams :fishing: and a good wake-up

tomorrow !
:smile1: Did I miss the name of Matt Darey ? :hmmm: ( I could mention more names .. .. .. ) Just an example of how questionable any outcome can be. Promotion plays a large role too (shrugs) :music:

I think that having heared a lot of those people on that list that many of them would be pushed to play anything like as good a set as what I frequently hear the residents play here.:music:
