For bath I have milkBeers for drink
Sorry, so bubbles in bottle for drink or soapy bubbles?
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For bath I have milkBeers for drink
yeah **** transitions :/
Sorry, so bubbles in bottle for drink?
Bubbles in bottle for drink at midnightCold champagne with strawberries
But wait.. I don't have fresh strawberries... fcuk.. |:-/ So only verry cold fizz
For bath I have milkBeers for drink
Bubbles in bottle for drink at midnightCold champagne with strawberries
But wait.. I don't have fresh strawberries... fcuk.. |:-/ So only verry cold fizz
i must try a bath with champagne too:LMFAO: :LMFAO: :LMAO::
i must try a bath with champagne too:LMFAO: :LMFAO: :LMAO::
i do, my mother is crying already , it's too loud: