31-12-2008 End Of Year Countdown 2008

Which sets did you like best?

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The truth is beautiful doesn't look like its getting a release. I might give it away in the next few months if i'm feeling generous :) Most likely on the anjuna forums ;)

give it him here at AH, on the thread DJ/Producers corner :grinning2:
The truth is beautiful doesn't look like its getting a release. I might give it away in the next few months if i'm feeling generous :) Most likely on the anjuna forums ;)

Yeah next Christmas:) are you planning any gig in Slovakia? We are looking forward for you:bravo:
The truth is beautiful doesn't look like its getting a release. I might give it away in the next few months if i'm feeling generous :) Most likely on the anjuna forums ;)

That's the best commercial you can get ! :hug:

I'm sure it gets lots of spins :smile:
Oh you should be generous to us :)
Piccoli will wash your car for a month if you release it:ee:

:rofl: :rofl:

I think best films of Keanu Reeves are Speed, Matrix and this older Time-Travel-Movie, dont know the name..

You forgot The Devil's Advocate and A Scanner Darkly :P
I am hearing some vampire near us...heheheh
I think best films of Keanu Reeves are Speed, Matrix and this older Time-Travel-Movie, dont know the name..

there's one about surfers, bit old, but was really good, well the surfers were bank robbers and Keannu from the FBI
I missed a gig in Slovakia, missed a flight :( horrible experience, my girlfriend and her dad had to come pick me up from the airport.
