31-12-2008 End Of Year Countdown 2008

Which sets did you like best?

  • Total voters
Cressida 1111 Listeners

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I will be tuned but not posting, will be back for Deepress set
See you all :wave:
you can be sure about that, we'll have the normal shows here at AH, hope to see you in the normal shows too:hug::hug:
yeah,some people only show up in te EOYC:P:ee:
<object width="580" height="200">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
<embed src="http://tcifka.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pkzPrJUTaSq6wWm-zZf6pjgxOkj4HoeihTar6Vfix3xUW9_AS9LBZ8b1Ygr2qrEE7a1cQQVDnoPw/Cressida.swf" width="580" height="200">

I will be tuned but not posting, will be back for Deepress set
See you all :wave:

Another beauty! Bye Wailo! See you soon! (KISS!) :super::super::love::hug::cat:
