Its safe to say, the mind no longer listens, its the body doing the thing... :rave::rave:
This...is.... INSANE!!!!!!!!!!! :O:O:O:O
This sounds so effing huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!!!! :megacrazy:

THIS TUNE SO DESERVES THIS EMO - Exactly my face!!!!!
Cant breathe.... what the heck was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :megacrazy:
sorry that was nick callaghan

Altered Mind gave us the id :) thank you!!

Kaveh Azizi - Tabriz (Nick Callaghan Remix)
This tunes ID was: Kaveh Azizi - Tabriz (Nick Callaghan Remix)

wow :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:

What did Kaveh Azizi take to make this tune?? I want to get into his mind and understand.....
Orgasm after orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.........!! We deep in this now AM! wawawwawaweeeeeee!! :bravo:
On 2nd thoughts, nothing is ever safe when Angry Man is around.... :megacrazy::megacrazy:
