I'm serious. Rust stinks. Took a whole track for one postgood to know Carl
Good good
ok gonna make a pic about Manuel tomorrow
pop up to a hardhouse event then heading to Ministry to catch Ben Nicky and hopefully Heatbeat plays before him.
Andrew Rayel is the headliner but I don't care about him.
what state?
I personally needed the time off during the last three months. Get to more personal matters including a new direction with my health. I'm actually torn about getting back online today, didn't know if I actually want to. I can't guarantee that I'm really back either.
But I'm feeling mighty high right about now after last night.
And it's a longshot to win against whoever comes out of the west, but I'm relishing this
Also, I'm feeling rusty. I took too long to get this across.
I'm serious. Rust stinks. Took a whole track for one post
Maybe in July the posting rate will improve? 2013-14 for me as a NY Sports fan was terrible, and what happened last night was the best to salvage it to date. I guess the last three months with this playoff run led me on superstition to stay offline, and I'm waiting out the next two weeks going into June on SundayOh Carl, hope all is well with you. I understand about wanting some space to focus on other stuff, but don't be a complete stranger