Shutting Down?

Sasha Pidann

May 6, 2006
Reaction score
I have been hearing some rumors circulating about AFTERHOURS.FM going down in January 2007. Can anyone address this?
Yes it will UNLESS each of us support it with whatever donations we can donate to AH.FM.
Yea... Because the server costs are getting higher so we have to at least visit sponsors.
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Really sucks..isnt there any way to get some sponsor or something?
Or maybe put together a team that runs the site,split the cost and all.
But a good thing should be if all people went crazy on these google ads :P:
Dont know how much money that makes but its always something.

Almost forgot..a shop might be a good thing as it said in the other thread..
But guess that costs alot to set up too..but maybe it will get the funds for running ah faster.
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Scrounge your pockets.... Turn over your couch cushions.... look under your beds... anywhere for any sort of change or money to donate to a great cause!!!
I'll be digging deep when I get paid Thursday, don't you worry :)
Sadness: I have no creditcard I cannot pay with paypal :(
you can get a paypal credit card and put money on it. It's smart one, since once you run out of funds... that's it! youre done and cant get into debt. All you spend is whatever you put on it... they money that you have!
you can get a paypal credit card and put money on it. It's smart one, since once you run out of funds... that's it! youre done and cant get into debt. All you spend is whatever you put on it... they money that you have!

great idea, never thought that existed :)
you can get a paypal credit card and put money on it. It's smart one, since once you run out of funds... that's it! youre done and cant get into debt. All you spend is whatever you put on it... they money that you have!

I need to figure out about it.
im probably not the only one, but AH really expanded my views on trance, i mean yeah i used to love the same artists and all but i never heard ppl but me and an ASOT here or there do live sets. Then when i came here i found DJs that helped me out as well as produced wicked sets, i just applied for a job so i can update my equipment and donate a bit to AH, id hate to see this place shut down after all i got from it, so hopefully ill be getting a lot of money.
good luck dan
nice words Dan!

I am with you on this fight! I will help you very soon! :)

Last thing but not least, I will not give up on Radio, this is my passion and my push, not only it helps me work at my full time job, but I love to see people tunning in and sharing the same feelings, and enjoying the true quality of, I do this for Music keeping it alive. Therefore Afterhours is not and will not shutdown. Having said that I thank you all supporters, DJ's friends and listeners for making what it is today Afterhours.

Some things that are on plan for 2007.
- Fresh new site with many goodies and information
- Live shows will begin
- More Dj's
- Competitions, AH store
+ many more things, want to keep it as a suprise.

Thank you all for reading this post. Any comments appreciated.

Owner of Afterhours.FM
