afterhours on Nokia phones

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Dec 26, 2007
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I just got a noika N95, and trying to figure out a way to listen to internet radio from the phone, and so far I was able to find a program called Virtual Radio.

Afterhours is not listed there, but I wanted to ask if the owners want to add AH on that list or maybe if someone knows any other program where AH is listed?

Virtual Radio - streaming web radio player for mobile phones
should be added mate :)

I added it like 3 times.. let me know if it shows up.
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i want to know about this :music:
AH.FM is not up there yet, but basically its a program that lets you listen to internet radio on your mobile phone with Wifi or 3G

oops sorry it was about virtual radio.... nm :lol:
I just got a noika N95, and trying to figure out a way to listen to internet radio from the phone, and so far I was able to find a program called Virtual Radio.

Afterhours is not listed there, but I wanted to ask if the owners want to add AH on that list or maybe if someone knows any other program where AH is listed?

Virtual Radio - streaming web radio player for mobile phones

look here
maybe it's the answer of your search.
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