AH.fm promo-leaflets


May 27, 2006
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Recently I have seen at workplace,university, and also at some stores promo-leaflets about local radio stations. Peoples pick up one and read..
so I thought I would like to print out something alike promoting Afterhours.fm,anyone would suggest/post here a cool graphic to put on these promo-leaflets?
Thank you
Recently I have seen at workplace,university, and also at some stores promo-leaflets about local radio stations. Peoples pick up one and read..
so I thought I would like to print out something alike promoting Afterhours.fm,anyone would suggest/post here a cool graphic to put on these promo-leaflets?
Thank you

Is this like some sort of a flyer thing? like you hand it out...?
Im sure it could be made just need dimensions? :)

Thank You Stella, I never thought of that. :super:
s this like some sort of a flyer thing?
yeh Dan..exactly like a flyer thing,but paper format,and could be distributed in public places such like cafe's,local clubs,various stores,university&other schools and place where I work
it might sound tricky but I see here they do it and peoples read these leaflets.
about sizes...I will let you know within tomorrow...ok dan?
yeh Dan..exactly like a flyer thing,but paper format,and could be distributed in public places such like cafe's,local clubs,various stores,university&other schools and place where I work
it might sound tricky but I see here they do it and peoples read these leaflets.
about sizes...I will let you know within tomorrow...ok dan?

Ok sounds good, As soon as I know the exact dimensions Ill get someone to do it for us :) Thank you once again.
a good size would be
14 cm x 20 cm (5.5 in x 7.9 in)
that's the size of leaflets I have seen here ;)
np Dan,take it easy and when you ready with,I will print out a whole bunch of leaflets and promote AH the way I said above
what happened to this, i'm going to a lot of shows, giving them out while people wait in line, walking around the club and passing them would be a good promo, as well as around other places...someone get to work on this :smile1:
If I was able to get my hands digital copy of the flyer, I'd be able to print them out and hand them out at festivals that come to my city. Free advertisement is always good.
I have made some flyers last week to promote AH (A6 format, 10*15 cm) and after one hour of Google, one of the best flyers printers that I've found is Yesprint.fr - Impression en ligne pour flyers, affiches, cartes de visite, papier à lettres, bloc-notes, brochures, sous-main et album photos.

The prices and quantities (start to 1000) are very attractive and the shipping costs are included.

i have a color printer, i can print my own, share the one you made.....why should money be involved?
black and white laser printer just wont cut it :lol: wish I had a color laser printer
