I read about that somewhere in the
yes, it will be on slam fm,
but i dont know about what do in this situation..

p.s. can i change my nickname to 'Maxy' not 'Gee See Max'?
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As from the 6th of April Armin van Buuren will present his award winning radio show “A State Of Trane” on Dutch radio station Slam!FM.

Over fifteen FM stations all over de world are already broadcasting the weekly show and now the show will be broadcast every Friday from 22.00 till 24.00 on Slam!FM.

Armin is very happy with his weekly spot on the Slam!FM roster and especially for this show he will make a Dutch spoken episode!

This is from Armada News January 2K7.

SlamFM is just another (FM+internet) radio station in this long list which will start broadcasting ASOT. Don't think will stop broadcasting their no1 show. That's just my opinion:rolleyes:
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I should apply again to see if we can broadcast it at 192k.
It says: click here for more information. But when i click it the same page loads, and there is no new information.. Anyway, ASOT @ slam fm = Great! ..
Who cares about (sr)ASOT... :p
Well this is an dutch artikel.

DJ Armin van Buuren Nieuwe aanwinst bij SLAM!FM
Geplaatst op: 2007-01-04

Hilversum, 4 januari 2007 – Vanaf vrijdag 6 april zal de nummer 2 DJ van de wereld: Armin van Buuren voor het eerst zijn awardwinning radioprogramma "A State of Trance" bij SLAM!FM presenteren. Armin zal elke vrijdagavond te horen zijn tussen 22:00 en 24:00 uur.

“Ik vind het fantastisch om voor hét jongerenradiostation van Nederland te gaan werken. 'A State of Trance' wordt al jaren wereldwijd door vele radiostations uitgezonden en speciaal voor SLAM!FM maken we een Nederlandse versie van het programma. Ik blijf toch een Nederlander” aldus Armin van Buuren.

Jacqueline Bierhorst, Algemeen Directeur SLAM!FM: “Ik vind het geweldig dat Armin en SLAM!FM een verregaande samenwerking aangaan. Zijn ervaring, populariteit en gevoel voor muziek sluiten volledig aan bij de doelgroep van SLAM!FM. Het voelt goed dat de Nederlands grootste DJ/producer wekelijks in eigen land te beluisteren is op ons radiostation. SLAM!FM is jong, stoer, brutaal en draait de meeste nieuwe muziek van Nederland. We richten ons niet alleen op de radio maar ook op evenementen, consumentenproducten en nieuwe online ontwikkelingen. Daarnaast hebben we grootste plannen voor het nieuwe jaar, Armin en zijn events passen volkomen in deze strategie.”

Over “A State of Trance”
De show van Armin van Buuren wordt door meer dan 15 FM stations van Dubai tot Amerika uitgezonden. Armin is zelfs de eerste niet-Britse DJ die op het Engelse Kiss FM wekelijks te beluisteren is, via het internet is de show het best beluisterde trance radioprogramma ter wereld. In maart 2005 won Armin de 'International Dance Music Award' voor ‘Best Dance Radio Mixshow’ tijdens de Winter Music Conference in Miami en tijdens de Nightlife Awards 2006 heeft hij de allereerste SLAM!FM DJ of the Year Award in de wacht gesleept.
Thats true :P If many ppl think asot has class, it has quality too.

Well, I'm no longer a trance listener, but I bet that there's plenty of trance radio shows better than (sr)ASOT...:rolleyes:
Well, I'm no longer a trance listener, but I bet that there's plenty of trance radio shows better than (sr)ASOT...:rolleyes:

Maybe. Every asot episode has to grow on me. I dont really like it the first time i listen a episode. ASOT plays new trance/prog and in like 5 weeks many of the tracks are really populair. Thats why i like asot.

If i listen to 270 right now. Almost all tracks became a hit. I dont think armin van buuren is THAT great, but still he and his asot have some charms :love:
ASOT plays new trance/prog and in like 5 weeks many of the tracks are really populair.
Almost all tracks became a hit.

I not really agree to that point.
Its true that all tracks are brand new and that the most track havent been released at the moment they are played in ASOT.

Most songs even get really populair...its true that trance is in a big hyve at the moment but the tracks that really become commercial are usually the tracks produced by armin him self or by other nr 1 djs like tiesto and 4 strings....
these tracks are also played at every fm radio station and at tmf / mtv

the most songs even come so far at this it arent commercial songs anyway ;)
I not really agree to that point.
Its true that all tracks are brand new and that the most track havent been released at the moment they are played in ASOT.

Most songs even get really populair...its true that trance is in a big hyve at the moment but the tracks that really become commercial are usually the tracks produced by armin him self or by other nr 1 djs like tiesto and 4 strings....
these tracks are also played at every fm radio station and at tmf / mtv

the most songs even come so far at this it arent commercial songs anyway ;)

You do agree with me. When did i use the word commercial?.. I'm staying underground. ''this world is watching me'' isnt commercial, but it became a hit in the scene. for example.
