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Beer, Playboy + Ways to help Dan & Afterhours.FM

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Vicky Wood

May 25, 2006
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The Fun Stuff


Afterhours.FM is 1 Year old now, what a success the past 12 months has been I think you will all agree!

I think we all owe Dan a beer....hell....a crate of beer to celebrate this achievement!

He keeps this place going with a little help from some great friends here, often working overtime/weekends to help pay the server/bandwidth costs etc etc blah blah

So....to get to the point here is what I'm asking...

We all buy Dan a beer! :cheers:

Now if you're too young to legally purchase beer in your country of residence i would suggest asking that guy that is always hanging around the magazine section waiting for that quiet moment so he can grab a copy of playboy off the top shelf without people noticing him.....ask him to buy beer for you before he runs home to "read the articles"

Now obviously if Dan was to receive 50 crates of beer on his doorstep then i think the Canadian customs might have a problem with that, and if they happen to turn a blind eye then once Dan's drunk it all, his liver will pack up and he won't be in a fit state to run Afterhours.FM.....and we can't be having that!!!!!

The Serious Stuff

Here is what we can do to help Dan & Afterhours.FM financially:

1. Donate using the paypal system....every donation however big or small makes a difference, you can even set it up so it recurs each month at your chosen amount. Simply click the "Make A Donation" button at the bottom of this page. You can use your credit card or even register your bank account with paypal.

2. Check out the AH Shop @ http://store.ah.fm/, some nice quality t-shirts are currently available, with more items to be added real soon. Also feel free to suggest items that could be added to the shop that you would be interested in purchasing.

Your support will enable Afterhours.FM to continue to grow and air some of the awesome "In The Mix" events as well as regular shows from your favourite DJ's and Producers from around the world!!

For sure
I agree with Magik, Dan is doing an awesome work here on ah.fm and honestly and personally I hope this continues in a progression
Thank you mate
ah.fm rox
i think it's a cool idea! thx miss Magik! <3
Well i can mail a bottle of my dads bear...... LMAO... Yes agree Dan is doing a amazing job with afterhours.fm! Keep it up! And please donate for server costs.
Awesome idea Vix !

Let's donate AH.FM to stay online!
Great Plan Magik, I know Dan's costs keep going up.
Lets do what we can, and few dollars from each of us, and AFTERHOURS can continue to bring us all the great sounds and at 192k!

Who else can do all that for free? Nobody.
Dan: I hope my donation helps, And I can't thank you enough for the world you have opened up for me and my friends:ah:

I know you have so many extra costs for the 1 year, so everybody, please pitch in just a little.:congrats:
I'll make another donation 25 may..
well done magik, i'm supporting and will always support ah.fm... and about the beer... hmmm... for a few hours now i'm trying to put the bottle into this B5 envelope but i still can't close it - maybe if i drink the beer out of the bottle it wil be easier to insert the bottle to the envelope :) :ah:

ya revel, sounds like a good idea, I too am trying to get beer in an envelope.
I emptied one beer, and it still wouldn't fit in the envelope, so I thought maybe I was doing it wrong, and tried it a few more times.

Unfortunately, none of them would fit.:rolleyes:

Maybe I'll try again tonight.:P
If you guys want to buy dan some beer, then you can send me the money, and I will buy it for him. Him and I are friends... we both live in the same city! :P :lolz:

Way to get guys attention Magik... D-I-R-T-Y!!!! I like!!!!!!!! (Borat Impression) :lmao:
Thanks for the offer jed, But i just know I can figure out the secret of mailing bottle of beer. I tried 3 more just now, and the process still isn't quite figured out, but I'll have it figured out real soon.:lolz:
thanks :)

but honestly people we do need your donations to keep this running, we have no sponsors, no advertising. So please if you can please donate.

I also setup a Payment plan which will deduct 15$ each month from your account (paypal) if your lazy to do it monthly :)

In the meantime end of May is approaching and massive shows await us all.


ps... thank you to all who have donated and keep doing it, without you there would be no AH, thank you for support its much appreciated.
Thanks for the offer jed, But i just know I can figure out the secret of mailing bottle of beer. I tried 3 more just now, and the process still isn't quite figured out, but I'll have it figured out real soon.:lolz:

No worries mate! Let me know if you manage to figure it out. :):lolz:
:P Jed

Will be trying it again tonight. Wish me luck.:cheers:

Dan's right. :love:

Lets keep AH alive. here are few more things we can do if you can't donate yourself for some reason:

1) Find a new member who can join and hear the great music, and the talented DJ's of AH.FM

2) Ask a friend who CAN make a Donation (See toolbar up top) and ask them to help out on AH.FM for you.

3) Spread the word. Nobody should miss the 1 Year event, starting June 1st, it would be criminal:wow:

4) Print off a copy of the 1 Year Poster, stick it up on billboards, flag poles, Schools, everywhere.
take a picture of where you posted it, And show us.

And for those who haven't Donated yet, but can:

1) Take a moment, click on the Donate button up top, and help out.

2) Have a quick look thru the Store, again at the top, and help out by getting something great for yourself or a friend, make their day, yours, and all of ours so much better:ah:

3) Ask some friends at work, just to stop by for a listen, and spend a few dollars.Euro's.... helping out the Greatest Trance Station on the www. :)

4) And please take a few minutes to print off the 1 Year event flyer, and put it up, pass it around, you know.

And Everyone

Tell everybody that the best music on this Planet is free, @ AFTERHOURS.FM
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Here’s to Dan! One of the nicest guys I've had the pleasure of working with!

By the time Distant Land introduced me to him: "Dude...we need sound effects added..we'll give you a show if you help us out" I had already explored online radio, and was quite reluctant to start airing shows again.

As I got to know Dan, as have many over the past year or so, I realized that he was a pretty cool guy. Dan has a great way of Schmoozing with people. People like him very much. He's fair, kind, polite, and professional in his approach to things. A real friend to others, and I’m proud to say to me to.

My favorite quote from Dan (paraphrased): "These shirts are awesome value man...good quality. I've washed mine like 6 times already and the logo didn't wash off"..lol

Seems like for a few months, most of Dan and I's MSN conversations revolved around a piece of clothing lol. So yes I finally bought one, and probably one of the best T-Shirts I own (quality wise)!

So here's to Dan, all of your hard work has paid off. We all still have work to do with the listeners, but now have overwhelming industry support from all sectors so we are just over 50% in our goal in making your dream a reality for AH. The listeners will come in drones over the next few months ahead, and 1500+ listeners on a steady basis will soon be a reality on all shows on AH.

thanks all who donated, much appreciated, helps the station to grow and survive.
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