it's better then the Gulpener Gladiator which are actually left overs from grolsch :no:
New Leaf!!!
but :how do you know ?
i had multiple cans of them bothi prefer the 8.6 , 1eur17 per half a liter . good stuff
03. Super8 & Tab with 7 Skies - Rubicon (Orkidea Remix)
Maybe a less than usual show this month.
for quite some time, at local shops (two, even) they sold Alfa 8.x% (8.5?%). Now they sell only the 'lemonade' flavour (5%)a bit bummer
Safe Inside You!!!
we have a supermarket called "Jan Linders" They have QUITE a good selection of special beers for salelike Trip[le Karmeliet, St Bernardus abt 12 , " brugse zot" , very good beers