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DJs Mixes


Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hey there! I know quite a few of you have websites available where you give a profile of yourself as well as links to your mix sets / free tracks that can be downloaded, but there are quite a few of you who still do not have this.

Although I'm a relative noob with these things, I do understand the importance of having a presence on the web and having a nice looking site or at least an area somewhere that people can find out a little more, is quite important.

I don't mean this to come across as an advert, but I guess in a way, it is, I have been using a site called MusicV2 for a couple of years now to host my mixes and find the site to be pretty damn good. It's recently had some upgrading done so looks fantastic...


I use this as well as my own website to store my mixes and the odd crap tracks that I happen to make :lol: I've noticed that allot of people use temporary hosting services to host a file, and more often than not, within a month the link no longer works so noone can download the file anymore :-(

Anyways, it was just a suggestion as I think the site is pretty damn good and is set to take off in a big way imo, so why not pimp your skillz on there? :music:
looks cool, might give it a try :)
another such platform i know of is http://www.dj-mixes.com/, but they only just recently added the trance section there.
