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EOYC 2012 Day 2 Downloadlinks added :-)

Which DJs you enjoyed most?

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i am now hypnotized :mask:

Lazarus set always call for a girl, sorry Laz it's not our girl i'm not at home
Have to take the dog out for a walk during the start of Manuel Le Saux's set.
But he is worth it :)
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I am dying to get this tune out there, it's destroyed the place every time we've played it in a club! Not long though, I hope :)

You just killed me, Laz!!!!! :megacrazy::megacrazy::megacrazy: GET IT OUT THERE!!!! :lol:

OMG, that is just epicness sick, awesome, madness... excuse my english, man!!!
hey Mr. polar thank you again on the facebook links to lazarus

i need to make sure I like him

this DJ rules!!
Oh well, I'm gonna make some dinner, so I won't be able to post for some time now. I'll still be chooned.in though :music::music::music:
