Holy sh!t it has been a while! How are you doing!? So nice to see you
I hope you like GOA then
Attact simply means to arouse or compel the interest, admiration, or attention of x
I can definitely do that without feeling a physical attraction to whatever x might be.
Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/attract #2
Not sure how this relates to hair on my chest
Attact simply means to arouse or compel the interest, admiration, or attention of x
I can definitely do that without feeling a physical attraction to whatever x might be.
Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/attract #2
Damn, well.... a few months is probably soon for some Always wonderful having you around!Yeah, you know, it looks like this: I log in to AH forum, I spend some nice hours here, then I promise myself that will be back SOON, and go back after a few months
Thanks, doing fine
How bout you? You're finishing your studies soon, aren't you? Or has it already happened?
Sure I like goa
....and You just got into my list of favorite people in here.well cause I am just not attracted to guys, because that just turns me off. it's nothing personal against you. i just like girls, have a girlfriend named Hayley.
Scarlett great to see you. How are you doing?
Sounds too deep for me ... It's Friday night and the first bottle of good red wine gone