Those are electric swatters, that electrocutes the pesky flies and mosquitoes in one accurate tennis swing.I've got a swatter, I know that. I'm just looking for my spray too since it won't stick on a window
Those are electric swatters, that electrocutes the pesky flies and mosquitoes in one accurate tennis swing.I've got a swatter, I know that. I'm just looking for my spray too since it won't stick on a window
Those are electric swatters, that electrocutes the pesky flies and mosquitoes in one accurate tennis swing.
I've electrocuted more mosquitoes in my life than I can count, so I can be pretty good.15-0 ... 30-0 ... 40-0 ... Game Ms Foetsie
Don't think I've ever seen them before, only knew about lamps that trap fliesThose are electric swatters, that electrocutes the pesky flies and mosquitoes in one accurate tennis swing.
Runs on double A batteries and can leave a nice crisp burning smell of your victim after you've electrocuted them.Don't think I've ever seen them before, only knew about lamps that trap flies
I'm not there yet, still setting up for the next hour with Maria
some lights as a starter
I've electrocuted more mosquitoes in my life than I can count, so I can be pretty good.
I'm not there yet, still setting up for the next hour with Maria
Reason why I don't listen to his episodes.stop talking woody
I've had to be a little more creative when it came to fruit flies, fly stick + a cup with apple cider vinegar, water & soap as a double trap, patience needed but those fruit flies becoming suckers within 10 days, that felt good :grinning2:I've electrocuted more mosquitoes in my life than I can count, so I can be pretty good.
So a sticky trap.I've had to be a little more creative when it came to fruit flies, fly stick + a cup with apple cider vinegar, water & soap as a double trap, patience needed but those fruit flies becoming suckers within 10 days, that felt good :grinning2: