The Pig gone ...
Where's the bacon???
yesterday he disappeared because of a party with drinking and today he´s not possible to spam here because he has a hangover
does anyone know, whether it's going to take place another PSY DAY, like it was a year before in February 2018?
i am here i was helping someone in the village with a large amount of waste , delivering at the local disposal place and somehow on the way back i just happen to come accross a supermarket selliong Grolsch for 8,99 eur per crate
C!C@ said earlier that today would be psy until 1600 or so
oh, ThePig, such angel :angel: :angel: but its almost 2:30pm!
i had morning shift today after that i was helping him first
it has to been hard shift after yesterday drinking
should i buy FRESH oliebollen or not
i survived also Managers not paying attention means secret tune in time for some periods
20 minutes is normal.. but:
Off Limits: 10:21 - 11:24
Katri: 11:24 - 12:28
Vini Vici: 12:29 - 13:30
what is it? then i will tell you dutch treat , especially baked during the end of the year, the local seller probalby sells about 3k on a village with 1k inhabitants
ok.. so buy, if you want, dont buy, if you dont want to