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First ever trance set.


Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hi guys i put together my first ever trance set last weekend and thought id share it with you. theres a couple of level issues and a dodgy transition or two but im quite pleased.

also maybe it doesnt get going quick enough. im doing another set over this bank holiday weekend if you like this one ill post the new one too.

cheers in advance to anyone that dowloads it and lets me know what they think

Click here for download


Sky Mountains - Sonic vibe
Faraway Thoughts - Valve
Blue Bird Sunny Lax (Daniel Kandi Remix)
Smile feat Anita Kelsey - Dunderstadt Duende Dub Mix
Alive feat Dan Sanfilippo - Randy Boyer & Erica Tadla
Fallen Tides - Matt Hardwick & Mark Pledger (Simon Patterson Remix)
Blue Sunshine - Nish (Sean Tyas Remix)
Do it Again - John Marks (Ron Van Den Beuken remix)
Falling of stars - Dmitri Federov (Paul Miller Remix)
Something for your mind - Andre Visior & Kay Stone (Guiseppe Ottaviani Radio Mix)
Turn It On feat Michelle Citrin - Woody van Eyden & Alex M.O.R.P.H (Sean Tyas remxi)

enjoy and please comment as a dj is only as good as his audience.
will download it when i get home:grinning:
seriously!!! only two downloads!!!!

whats wrong is it the tracklistings?

come on people throw me a bone. let me know where im going wrong.

please?? :)
yay nice one sentrix. although id prefer you said you would downlaod it rather than you might! :P
ok so im going to take your silence as you didnt like my mix :( or is it just on this board people dont give feedback. its a shame really as after hours is an amazing internet radio station....
Hi, scrammbledeggs, already downloading your set. :smile1: I'll let you know my opinion later.
don't take it personal mate, keep in mind that djs come ten a penny, it isn't anything special anymore these days with so many different approaches possible (vinyl, cds, mp3s, hardware and software mixing), no matter how proud or confident you are about your mix/ing.
also look at your postcount, no offense but who knows you here, how active are you in the community, what credits are you expecting?
with the station's army of residents airing here day in day out, listeners sets and others publishing on the forum you're up against tough competitors, it's not like anybodys waiting for you.
however, stay persistent, feedback or not, and patient, don't pressure or indirectly insult your potential listeners
if you're serious about djing publish your mix on as many sites as possible, give some info about yourself (bio), your favourite artists and influences and in time i'm sure you'll receive the criticism you're looking for. :grinning:
i would echo "90degrees" comments.
i've been so damn busy here at work i haven't had time to do squat. even though i would feel the exact same way as you, don't be discouraged--folks just have lots going on.
i WILL download ur set & give a listen, but a may be a week "or three". thanks for making the effort to put it together & upload it for all of us to enjoy. take care! -steve.
cheers guys. i appologies if i came across pushy or insulting. that was definitley not my intention i appreciate the shear mass of bedroom dj's trying to make it etc.

i guess i just wanted to be loved. lol :lol:

i will put together another mix shortly and actually tell people a little about myself at the same time.

i really really appreciate you taking the time to post on my thread and to download the mix..

i am currently in the process of finishing my own production and also am currently working on a remix of an old clasic.

again sorry to have come across gurmpy or pushy. was definitely not my intention.

if you find the time go and hang with the peeps here in the live set threads, some cool ppl around and quite fun too and you'll quickly pick up some new friends (and maybe future fans) providing the me-no-pushy thing going well... :)

wish I could do that more often too but glad I mostly make it to the "Nations/Regions in the mix" - if it falls on weekends. :music:
Just listened today. I liked your set, it has a very nice tracklist, but... why did it end abruptly?

do you want the truth.!!!!

i cant tell you its that stupid.

i should have known better. :P

anyway glad you like it. im hoping to do another one this weekend, if i can get the DIY done the missus has been banging on about. :) plus its my birthday sunday so may not find the time. but ill do one as soon as.

im really enjoying mixing again. i used to dj back in 94 at the tail end of the hardcore scene and then sold my decks (student and skint :( ) then about a year ago i saw a pair of denon dns5000's and a denon dnx1500 mixer for sale and thought what the hell, and bought them. sadly not been able to use them though as i have been moving house and jobs and planning a wedding. however the last couple of weeks ive been able to get used to them (appart from my cock up in this set) and thought seeing as ive really come to love trance over the past three years id try a trance set.

and hey presto my first one was posted here.

