FSOE 300 Live Broadcast Argentina

Is it just me or the audio is getting stuck every now and then? It's happening on the ah.fm web player, in Winamp and on that FSOE live site as well. My connection speed is not an issue. That Beat Service set was playing fine on ah.fm player some time ago and even FSOE300AMS played fine on the ah.fm player.

This is something we have no control over today, were not doing the live broadcast ourselves... they are using different technology setup thats why its doing that :(

When AHFM does the broadcasts we use our own secret stuff :)) for best sound possible
This is something we have no control over today, were not doing the live broadcast ourselves... they are using different technology setup thats why its doing that :(

When AHFM does the broadcasts we use our own secret stuff :)) for best sound possible

lol secret stuff, like stuff I need the highest security clearance to know about. hahahah
see the issue is a bad internet connection in the club, probably someone watching porn videos on a computer back in the office is what it is.

HAHAHAHA I would be hornier with the music instead of that stuff :rave:
Biggest and love sound!!!!
