Funny: Computer Tech Support Calls


Dec 24, 2006
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Tech support: "Okay Bob, let's press the control and escape keys at the same time. That brings up a task list in the middle of the screen. Now type the letter "P" to bring up the Program Manager"

I don't have a P.

Tech support:
On your keyboard, Bob.

What do you mean?

Tech support: "P".....on your keyboard, Bob.

Tech support: How may I help you?

I'm writing my first e-mail.

Tech support:
OK, and what seems to be the problem?

Customer: Well, I have the letter 'a' in the address, but how do I get the circle around it?
Have you heard the one about the guy using the cd tray on the pc for a cupholder?:P


human stupidity is truly limitless :)
Have you heard the one about the guy using the cd tray on the pc for a cupholder?:P



True story from a Novell NetWare Sysop:

: "Hello, is this Tech Support?"

Tech: "Yes, it is. How may I help you?"

"The cup holder on my PC is broken and I am within my warranty period. How do I go about getting that fixed?"

"I'm sorry, but did you say a cup holder?"

: "Yes, it's attached to the front of my computer."

"Please excuse me. If I seem a bit stumped, it's because I am. Did you receive this as part of a promotional at a trade show? How did you get this cup holder?

Caller: It came with my computer. I don't know anything about a promotion. It just has '4X' on it."

At this point, the Tech Rep had to mute the caller because he couldn't stand it. He was laughing too hard. The caller had been using the load drawer of the CD-ROM drive as a cup holder and snapped it off the drive.
i am IT-Help Desk and i have situations very similar to what was written by t4e back in this thread:lol::lol:

Tech Support: "I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop."
Customer: "Ok."
Tech Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?"
Customer: "No."
Tech Support: "Ok. Right click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?"
Customer: "No."
Tech Support: "Ok, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?"
Customer: "Sure, you told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'."
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Customer: "You've got to fix my computer. I urgently need to print a document, but the computer won't boot properly."

Tech Support: "What does it say?"

Customer: "Something about an error and non-system disk."

Tech Support: "Look at your machine. Is there a floppy inside?"

Customer: "No, but there's a sticker saying there's an Intel inside."
:LMAO: Sounds like some great adventures are comming my way soon after I finish off school in April! :lol:

A Dell customer called to say he couldn''t get his computer to fax anything. After 40 minutes of trouble-shooting, the technician discovered the man was trying to fax a piece of paper by holding it in front of the monitor screen and hiting the "send" key.

Real story happened with me:
My friend once called me in a sunny sunday...

-"Ma (my nickname), I need to rip a CD"
-" you have a program for that?"
-"No,do I need one?"
-"Yep,but we can do it on Media your Media Player,and click on Copy from CD on the top"
-"Ok,there´s a blank page here"
-"Isn´t there a list of tracks from the CD?"
-"No,it´s all blank"
-"Hey,have you inserted the CD on the computer?"
-"No, do I need to??"

And then I almost went to his home to :chair: him.....:LMAO:

Real story happened with me:
My friend once called me in a sunny sunday...

-"Ma (my nickname), I need to rip a CD"
-" you have a program for that?"
-"No,do I need one?"
-"Yep,but we can do it on Media your Media Player,and click on Copy from CD on the top"
-"Ok,there´s a blank page here"
-"Isn´t there a list of tracks from the CD?"
-"No,it´s all blank"
-"Hey,have you inserted the CD on the computer?"
-"No, do I need to??"

And then I almost went to his home to :chair: him.....:LMAO:

LMFAO! -- I would have hung up!!!
True Story: My dad wanted to download some music, so I was showing him how to use limewire to get the songs he wanted. We have a DSL connection now but in the past we've had AOL dial up. He was used to logging on before using the internet. When I got to the computer he had Internet Explorer open and thought that if he closed it, The internet would stop.
Looking for funny computer help stories

I'm trying to start a tubmlr blog with a bunch of funny computer help stories, like these. If you have any original stories, I'd love to hear them

Funny Tech Support
