Currently: Mostly cloudy, 66°F.
High: 75°F RealFeel®: 74°F
A shower or thunderstorm; cloudy this morning, then intervals of clouds and sunshine this afternoon
Winds: ESE at 12mph
Wind Gusts: 20 mph
Max UV Index: Moderate (4)
Thunderstorm Probability: 60%
Amount of Precipitation: 0.05in
Amount of Rain: 0.05in
Amount of Snow: 0.0in
Hours of Precipitation: 1 Hrs
Hours of Rain: 1 Hrs
Hours of Daylight: 12.9 Hrs
Low: 63°F RealFeel®: 62°F
Mostly cloudy, breezy and more humid with a shower or thunderstorm around
Winds: SE at 15mph
Wind Gusts: 23 mph
Min UV Index: N/A
Thunderstorm Probability: 60%
Amount of Precipitation: 0.38in
Amount of Rain: 0.38in
Amount Snow: 0.0in
Hours of Precipitation: 3 Hrs
Hours of Rain: 3 Hrs
Hours of Dark: 11.1 Hrs