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How's the weather right now? thread

I'm shocked!!! It's been sunny all day! Hoping it stays like this over the next few days while I'm on holiday from work :D
Dark :bully:
:lolz: :lolz: :lolz:

it's quite good here anyway although it's october. :) :ee:
now it stopped raining, after 39 days and nights :dontknow:

all that work for nothing :angry:
So now you have 2 of each animal and big boat, turn it to zoo boat maybe :hmmm:
of course, two of them, just like everything else :)

wait, does that work? :hmmm:
Sure, didn't Ned Flanders have only male animals in his boat? So it must work other way too :)
coldest day ever here, -2 :(
