Is the world going to end in 2012
Is the world going to end, literally. No!
Is the world as we know it and inhabit it going to end, a resounding yes.
What is the nature of the shift, well we have to wait and see.
There are enough signals that the earth is out of kilter and that events are starting to happen quicker and stronger. Take earthquakes for instance. The quantity and size of earthquakes which are happening now is unprecedented. By way of example, the Chilean quake was so severe, the the GPS systems had to be reset due to the fact that the time had changed!
In addition we have constant mention that Yellowstone volcano may erupt, it is a super volcano.
Then we have comet Elenin, too small and too far to affect us, or maybe not.
Let's not forget the other asteroids and comets out there which could impact.
Question, why has the US built massive bunkers underground which is fully stocked. Note, the Russians are busy building underground bunkers as we speak, for completion in 2012! It seems that they know something that we do not!
Let's also not forget that a polar shift could also occur. Note, there are certain areas of the South Atlantic where the poles are already reversed. How long will it take for the shift to happen, who knows?
Let's not just focus on the Mayans. Looking at the I Ching, it also ends in 2012. A whole host of other cultures around the world also mention 2012 as the date for something globally significant!
Troll the Net and see what you can find on the subject.
There is a lot of crap out there and then there is some really good stuff.
I expect that I will get flack for what is stated above, but that says more of the person doing so than me. Before those people get negative on the above, do address the individual statements above and tell me what is WRONG!
Take care.