Laptop Versus Pc


Oct 11, 2007
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As many as you know, I have been wanting to get into making music and I have been piecing together what equipment/software to buy but I am running into another problem:

I realized that I have to buy a new pc. I want something just for music. I will not have the internet hooked up to this at all. Just music programs and music.

But then I was checking out some laptops from Dell and I am thinking that: "Well, I would love to have a laptop so I can carry it around places instead of just having another pc sitting at home."

What do you guys think? Are laptops good for making music? I mean, I am just trying to picture having a laptop hooked up to monitors/sound cards and all of that.

What do you guys suggest?

I can get a full blown pc for less than $1,000 US and the laptop would be around the same.

Thanks in advance


PS: I am currently writing a "single" called "Do For Me." See, I can also write songs too you know:mask::choonalert::P:lol::)
well... the advantage of a laptop over a desktop is pretty clear: portability. i'm wondering if you really _need_ that, but it's definitely a nice thing to have.

main disadvantage i can see is not much room for upgrades. for making music, you probably want a good sound card (and/or maybe a midi controller), so with a laptop, this means: usb device. same goes for screen - if the resolution becomes too small at some point, you can't just get a new screen. as for cpu, memory and hdd, the laptop should be decently equipped to start with anyway. and last but not least, a laptop will probably always be more expensive than a desktop pc of equal power.
What do you guys think? Are laptops good for making music? I mean, I am just trying to picture having a laptop hooked up to monitors/sound cards and all of that.

What do you guys suggest?

1. what is the purpose carrying a laptop around ? Any 'outdoors' equipment is vulnerable ( dust, dirt, physical damage ) . The interface, just as dfx rightful mentioned, is often a trade-off too ( keyboard, screen, connections to external audio devices ). If you've got no clear goal where to go / what to do with a portable: think twice ! Portability (reduced weight and dimensions) don't come for free.​

:book: 2. Are laptops good for making music ? In my opinion : no - hardly. Just the clearly above average-prices ones.. .. .. But no portable one beats a simple & sturdy at home PC in respects of value for money, upgradeability and ease of use.

PS: very good idea to set up a non-internet computer, a fully music dedicated one, btw ! :grinning:
1. what is the purpose carrying a laptop around ? Any 'outdoors' equipment is vulnerable ( dust, dirt, physical damage ) . The interface, just as dfx rightful mentioned, is often a trade-off too ( keyboard, screen, connections to external audio devices ). If you've got no clear goal where to go / what to do with a portable: think twice ! Portability (reduced weight and dimensions) don't come for free.​

:book: 2. Are laptops good for making music ? In my opinion : no - hardly. Just the clearly above average-prices ones.. .. .. But no portable one beats a simple & sturdy at home PC in respects of value for money, upgradeability and ease of use.

PS: very good idea to set up a non-internet computer, a fully music dedicated one, btw ! :grinning:

I have actually researched a bit on the whole laptop/pc issue and I will go ahead and get a pc for the music stuff. I will get a laptop eventually but not for making music.

who needs PCs?
Apple - Pro - Profiles - Paul van Dyk, pg. 1

(no this is not supposed to be serious)

Many months ago, there was a guy that came into the club in which I was doing some photography for some friends of mine. He worked at one of these, umm, you know, music stores that sold like drums and all of that stuff and we were talking about production software and PVD came into mind and he told me about his setup.

I have seen a DJ use Serato and nothing else. It just seemed boring to me. No eye contact with the audience or anything.

PS: I meant to add this to the other reply but, I forgot:wow::P:)
