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Nov 10, 2006
Reaction score
This is a great radio station so I hope you will accept

my questions as a need to know not as a fault or as a complaint.

If we have 85 listeners how is it only 1 person is viewing any of

the posts?

we are the other 84 listeners, do they never complain or even ask

what is happening?

I know I have only been a member for about 11 days but I have never

seen anymore than 12 members listed as being involved - some radio

shows take part with no one listening (according to the web site info)

Just a bit mystified were everyone is.

At least you picked a great set to repeat tonight, brill.

Hope we dont miss Nitrous Oxides's show.

Great station love it to bits.

If we have 85 listeners how is it only 1 person is viewing any of

the posts?

we are the other 84 listeners, do they never complain or even ask

what is happening?

maybe and just maybe they are just listening and enjoying the show(s),doing other things while listening,me too often I do paperwork or something else,but still tuned in and listening to even if in that moment I can't post here
Great never thought of that - I thought they would be on a page

checking on the great sets.

thanks for your post it is appreciated.

yes same here I have alot of things to do like coding etc, i tune in and listen to the great shows.

Thank you dereklangold for expressing your feelings. :)
Thank you for a great radio station.

also thanks for accepting my questions - yes I should think them

out a bit more but thats one of my failings.

i tune in when I can, as well try to post, but im usually studying or at dan's house drinking beer or vodka or doing other stuff while listening!
Same here, sometimes I'll have it as background music whilst I do other things around the house, other times when Im not so busy I will post in the threads

Same here, sometimes I'll have it as background music whilst I do other things around the house, other times when Im not so busy I will post in the threads


Magik - where's your banner picture gone?
Now that was Magic the picture has come back

just like magic.

Believe it was not there for a long time.

Some people care about the community, some dont.

If everyone would be active at the forums. The forums would be far too loaded in a couple of years.. ( not good )
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