on this one I have not had a single OS crash since I got it.
Rest of the way seems like a big ID-fest But no problem :grinning:Above1stBase for the tracklist
Need I mention the mess I had to deal with when Akira sent his tracklist over? Similar to Giuseppe 3 weeks ago at the end of go on air, possibly through a Macyou did a good choice going for apple, i am trying to convince Carl to go for a apple
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff 0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{ \fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fc harset0 Century Gothic;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\nowidctlpar\lang5129\f 0\fs20\par \b Akira Kayosa \endash Extrema 300 [Afterhours.FM]\par \b0\par \par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-1425\tx720 1.\tab Eloquentia & Vast Vision \endash Toes In The Sand (Gal Abutbul Mix) [Alter Ego]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-1800\tx720 2.\tab Sound Quelle \endash Spring Chord (Original Mix) [Lifted Sounds]\par 3.\tab Aruna \endash Save The Day (Myon & Shane54 Mix) [Black Hole]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-1425\tx720 4.\tab Protoculture -Perpetual Motion (Original Mix) [ReBrand]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\tx720 5.\tab Somna - Lost In Time (Original Mix) [Abora]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720 6.\tab Falcon -Aquila (Original Mix) [Always Alive]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-1800\tx720 7.\tab Ellie Lawson with Adrian & Raz - A New Moon (Kaimo K Mix) [A&R]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\tx720 8.\tab Ben Nicky \endash Gemini (Original Mix) [Night Vision]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720 9.\tab Matt Skyer - Arrecife (Allan Morrow Mix) [Nu Depth]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\tx720 10.\tab Will Atkinson - Unleash (Original Mix) [Night Vision]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-291\tx720 11.\tab Darren Porter & Ferry Paedo - Neptunes Siren (Sean Tyas Mix) [Tytanium]\par 12. Yahel & Liya -Creatures (Paul Oakenfold Mix) [Perfecto]\par 13. Sneijder - Jackknife (Original Mix) [Kearnage]\par \par \par \par \pard\nowidctlpar\par \pard\nowidctlpar\li360\ri-574\par \pard\nowidctlpar\ri-1800\par }
Yup : we both faced the same mess of code & crap
Result of some ( Apple ? ) conversion ?
Hello everybody.
Hello everybody.
Need I mention the mess I had to deal with when Akira sent his tracklist over? Similar to Giuseppe 3 weeks ago at the end of go on air, possibly through a Mac
Code:{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff 0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{ \fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fc harset0 Century Gothic;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\nowidctlpar\lang5129\f 0\fs20\par \b Akira Kayosa \endash Extrema 300 [Afterhours.FM]\par \b0\par \par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-1425\tx720 1.\tab Eloquentia & Vast Vision \endash Toes In The Sand (Gal Abutbul Mix) [Alter Ego]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-1800\tx720 2.\tab Sound Quelle \endash Spring Chord (Original Mix) [Lifted Sounds]\par 3.\tab Aruna \endash Save The Day (Myon & Shane54 Mix) [Black Hole]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-1425\tx720 4.\tab Protoculture -Perpetual Motion (Original Mix) [ReBrand]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\tx720 5.\tab Somna - Lost In Time (Original Mix) [Abora]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720 6.\tab Falcon -Aquila (Original Mix) [Always Alive]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-1800\tx720 7.\tab Ellie Lawson with Adrian & Raz - A New Moon (Kaimo K Mix) [A&R]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\tx720 8.\tab Ben Nicky \endash Gemini (Original Mix) [Night Vision]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720 9.\tab Matt Skyer - Arrecife (Allan Morrow Mix) [Nu Depth]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\tx720 10.\tab Will Atkinson - Unleash (Original Mix) [Night Vision]\par \pard\nowidctlpar\fi-360\li720\ri-291\tx720 11.\tab Darren Porter & Ferry Paedo - Neptunes Siren (Sean Tyas Mix) [Tytanium]\par 12. Yahel & Liya -Creatures (Paul Oakenfold Mix) [Perfecto]\par 13. Sneijder - Jackknife (Original Mix) [Kearnage]\par \par \par \par \pard\nowidctlpar\par \pard\nowidctlpar\li360\ri-574\par \pard\nowidctlpar\ri-1800\par }
01. ReOrder & Stine Grove - Seize The Day (Original Mix) [Monster Tunes]
02. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Amba Shepherd - Lost For Words (Club Mix) [Vandit]
you did a good choice going for apple, i am trying to convince Carl to go for a apple