New Always Alive flyer, hot or not ????

What do you think of this new banner/flyer?

  • Hot

    Votes: 30 96.8%
  • Not

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, hot or not ???

the new daniel kandi always alive banner/flyer

what you say =) ????

ps. dont know how to make a poll :I <3


thanks in advance to the designer Gabe =) !

thanks guys , !
Poll added :) Nice looking flyer to be honest! *voted hot*
Hot :) Really nice flyer :D
thanks ! voted hot myself :D becuz the designer is a fuckin talented graphics dood! :D
6 hot votes in less than 5 min :wow: :thumbsup:
i don't like it...too "busy" and shiny, what's that supposed to be in the background? :P:P
i don't like it...too "busy" and shiny, what's that supposed to be in the background? :P:P

its supposed to be godskitchen poland wroclaw :D

he merged to pics from global in the back... can try ask him make a version with 1 pic only :D
its supposed to be godskitchen poland wroclaw :D

he merged to pics from global in the back... can try ask him make a version with 1 pic only :D

you know it is Godskitchen, but no one else me a flyer should be something that sticks to people's minds and make them remember it in a way that if they see that picture anywhere, even without the details of your show, they will always say..."yes, i know this, its Kandi's flyer" know what i mean? :)
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i voted hot not would be shady.....
voted hot!! i like
