New Gabriel & Dresden Album


Universal Language
May 6, 2006
Reaction score
Does anybody know when the new G&D album is coming out?
You can download it from
or you can get the CD here
Should be in your regular record store in a few days I'd guess.

01. Let Go, lead vocals: Molly Bancroft
02. Eleven, with Scarlett Etienne
03. Enemy, lead vocals: Jan Burton
04. Dust In The Wind, lead vocals: Molly Bancroft
05. Mass Repeat
06. Closer, lead vocals: Molly Bancroft
07. Not Enough, lead vocals: Jan Burton
08. Amsterdam Interlude
09. New Path, lead vocals: Jan Burton
10. Sydney
11. Dangerous Power, lead vocals: Jan Burton
12. Tracking Treasure Down, lead vocals: Molly Bancroft
Not the greatest work from Gabriel and Dresden in my opinion. I think most of the tracks do not have a hook in them and they are very boring, but I guess it is mostly a personal preference.
LMK said:
Not the greatest work from Gabriel and Dresden in my opinion. I think most of the tracks do not have a hook in them and they are very boring, but I guess it is mostly a personal preference.

I agree 100%... I like only "Let Go" and "Tracking Treasure Down"....
VoRo said:
I agree 100%... I like only "Let Go" and "Tracking Treasure Down"....
i agree with that i like those two tunes and sydney as well but thats all from this album..
Fack yeah! I've had this album since it came out in May, and it's probably one of the best albums I've gotten (besides Airwave's Trilogique album). My favourite track is Sydney (hey DreamensioN, how are ya m8? Haha!), and Mass Repeat. Great tunes, nonetheless.
I enjoyed Sydney, Let Go, Mass Repeat, and Eleven out of the whole album. Maybe it's not the greatest thing, but it's a pretty unique sound they got going. :D
Like many of you, I was pretty disappointed, too. It seems like their production quality has really gone down for some reason...but there are some treasures on that album that, once remixed, will be awesome.

I don't know... I mean... "Bloom" was just this awesome mix my opinion, one of the best mix releases I've ever heard...but this new CD isn't all that great. Neither was Above & Beyond's...

I hate saying that stuff, too, because I'm such a huge fan of these artists. Oh is what it is.

Seems like everyone wasnt too impressed with the G&D album, and I'm also in that boat. Like many of you, I enjoyed only a few tunes off that album (Eleven, Sydney). Seems like G&D had always been moving towards producing more progressive sounds and if youve ever heard them live, youll know that there sets mainly consist of prgressive trance and house
Robbie said:
Seems like everyone wasnt too impressed with the G&D album, and I'm also in that boat. Like many of you, I enjoyed only a few tunes off that album (Eleven, Sydney). Seems like G&D had always been moving towards producing more progressive sounds and if youve ever heard them live, youll know that there sets mainly consist of prgressive trance and house

Yea they seem to be moving more so to the progressive house scene and it's something that isn't of my taste. But I'm sure they will have fans there. Though I do say I will miss hearing their older style of music.
stevenbriggs said:
Like many of you, I was pretty disappointed, too. It seems like their production quality has really gone down for some reason...but there are some treasures on that album that, once remixed, will be awesome.

I don't know... I mean... "Bloom" was just this awesome mix my opinion, one of the best mix releases I've ever heard...but this new CD isn't all that great. Neither was Above & Beyond's...

I hate saying that stuff, too, because I'm such a huge fan of these artists. Oh is what it is.


steven you still making us a mix? >P
same here.. I have heard better things from Gabriel and Dresden before,anyhow Let Go,Mass Repeat and Tracking Treasure Down sound great to me

I didnt like this album at all. Actually not one single tune. :(

Imo, i dont like gabriel and dresdens "new style". Maybe they cant produce music, as the remix tunes? :P

Dj Tiesto - In My Memory (Gabriel and Dresden Remix)
Andain - Beautiful Things (Gabriel and Dresden Remx)
Way Out West - Mindcircus (Gabriel and Dresden Remix)
..................... etc

This is what I mean.
