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''Official'' Current favorite tune Thread!

Med vs Neil Bamford - One has now been doing the rounds in my head for the third day running and shows no signs of disappearing any time soon! :choonalert:

cheers buddy! thanks for the support :o) hopefully be a few more tunes from me and med in the new year. thanks again

by the way:

Super8 vs Tab - Suru (Original Mix)

Everytime mate!
cheers buddy! thanks for the support :o) hopefully be a few more tunes from me and med in the new year. thanks again

by the way:

Super8 vs Tab - Suru (Original Mix)

Everytime mate!

That's my #1 for the year, kicks ass
Stowers & Young - The Second Coming (Gareth Emery dub) Oh god I love this tune!
Andy Blueman - Nyctalopia (Original Mix)

**** Onova!

just kidding
cheers buddy! thanks for the support :o) hopefully be a few more tunes from me and med in the new year. thanks again
Look forward to it mate, can't wait! :music:
Cosmic Gate - Analog Feel (Rank 1 Digital Re-Hash)

fucking epic! its not even uplifting yet it could tear apart a dancefloor!

i have troubel stopping myself from moving when sitting here in my seat listening to it
Sander van Doorn "The Bass" :wub:

another dancefloor killer :mml:
I'll say cosmic gate - body of conflict
A very dance progress tune
Markus Schulz - Fly To Colors (Genix Remix)

tech supremacy :D !
dmitri federov - falling of stars (original mix)

