Pioneer CDJ 400s

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they arent available yet afaik. mind you, the cdj 200s also have a pitch precision of 0.02%. the 400s sure look sexy, they arent a real scratch cd deck though, even though they support it. theres a few demonstration videos on youtube... when im curious about is, whether their pitch slider is as flakeys as the one of the 200s or not...
just got the new catalog of a local dj store, it's listed for € 499,90 (thats £355)
those are sweet! LOL you can pop in your 2gb jump drive and mix..
only then you need two 2gb drives :)
those arent that bad.. but too bad i just recently invested in mk3's.. ill stick to those i think :)
Hmmmmmmm. I may have to check those out myself.
Seems a relly nice deck, but i dont see the point to change my 200's for thoses new ones :)
those arent that bad.. but too bad i just recently invested in mk3's.. ill stick to those i think :)

im sure you wont go wrong with your mk3's mate! they are the *industry standard* :lolz:

no but honestly they are a bloody good deck, although some say they are huge, now since when did a guy have a prob with something huge...:hmmm:!
Had a chance to play around with one of those babies today... i must say, they're really nice.

The pitch slider is very precise, gives great control over the 0.02% steps, as opposed to the cdj-200, which is quite jumpy in this regard. It's not as perfect as on the 1000, but not very far from it.

The jog wheel is amazing quality, fully comparable to those of the 800 and 1000s, with the exception of it being quite a bit smaller of course, and not truly "touch sensitive": you have to depress it a little to get the desired effect, but there is hardly any resistance, so the feel of the jog (esp. for the vinyl emulation, for scratching etc) is almost the same as with its bigger brothers. In fact, you'll have a hard time trying to rotate the wheel by touching the top without depressing it. And of course, the handling of the jog wheel cannot be compared to that of the 100 or 200 at all. There's a completely different feel to it, much more sensitive and precise, much nicer to work with IMO. But this difference is present in the 800s and 1000s too.

One thing it's lacking from its bigger brothers is the ability to adjust the spindown/spinup speed in vinyl emulation mode - at least I couldn't find that knob anywhere. Not that this is a really important feature, but it's a neat gimmick. On the other hand, it has some additional features, most importantly the USB port, and besides that some (IMO useless) effects. The quick search dial is also pretty neat to have. Other than that, it has the same features as the 800 and also the same quality, just at much smaller size, which is pretty amazing.

So, definitely recommended. Much much higher quality and more features than the cdj-200. Advantages over the 800 is the 0.02 precision and the USB port (and possibly the effects, if you need those), disadvantage mostly the smaller size (which can be an advantage too, depending on your needs), and maybe maybe lack of spinup/down speed knob. Comparison to cdj-1000 is ridiculous of course, both feature-wise and price-wise :)

PS: they're listed for € 599.90 now here...
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Had a chance to play around with one of those babies today... i must say, they're really nice.

The pitch slider is very precise, gives great control over the 0.02% steps, as opposed to the cdj-200, which is quite jumpy in this regard. It's not as perfect as on the 1000, but not very far from it.

The jog wheel is amazing quality, fully comparable to those of the 800 and 1000s, with the exception of it being quite a bit smaller of course, and not truly "touch sensitive": you have to depress it a little to get the desired effect, but there is hardly any resistance, so the feel of the jog (esp. for the vinyl emulation, for scratching etc) is almost the same as with its bigger brothers. In fact, you'll have a hard time trying to rotate the wheel by touching the top without depressing it. And of course, the handling of the jog wheel cannot be compared to that of the 100 or 200 at all. There's a completely different feel to it, much more sensitive and precise, much nicer to work with IMO. But this difference is present in the 800s and 1000s too.

One thing it's lacking from its bigger brothers is the ability to adjust the spindown/spinup speed in vinyl emulation mode - at least I couldn't find that knob anywhere. Not that this is a really important feature, but it's a neat gimmick. On the other hand, it has some additional features, most importantly the USB port, and besides that some (IMO useless) effects. The quick search dial is also pretty neat to have. Other than that, it has the same features as the 800 and also the same quality, just at much smaller size, which is pretty amazing.

So, definitely recommended. Much much higher quality and more features than the cdj-200. Advantages over the 800 is the 0.02 precision and the USB port (and possibly the effects, if you need those), disadvantage mostly the smaller size (which can be an advantage too, depending on your needs), and maybe maybe lack of spinup/down speed knob. Comparison to cdj-1000 is ridiculous of course, both feature-wise and price-wise :)

PS: they're listed for € 599.90 now here...

Nice review!

That's great to hear that they are putting so much care and quality into their low end products too. I like the idea of USB mass storage support, that's an excellent feature, just a shame they don't support that on the 1000's yet, though saying that I don't use MP3 atm.

What do you prefer using? MP3 or CDA? :mask:

On another point, I notice that a few other companies have bought out their new products too and they all seem to be based around MIDI control being a major new feature, personally I got some decks to get away from using a PC, last thing I want to do is fire up some app that crashes on the PC and mix with that.

Stanton > Enter the System

They look cool, but I'm not convinced about that outrageous price of the Stanton gear... :P
yeah i don't care much for the midi stuff either... i guess it allows for some neat effects, but i don't think i'd really have any use for that, plus the amount of price difference scares me away :P

and i still use regular audio cds. reason is that first i don't fully trust the mp3 support of the various decks (and i heard some stories of various strange problems popping up with mp3s), and also i want to stay independent from actual type and model of cdjs. audio cds are guaranteed to work everywhere ;)
I had my CDJ400s delivered a few months ago. I really enjoy using them. Comparing them with the CDJ1000 Mk3s that my mate has I'd have to say there isn't a huge amount of difference. I find the skills I learn on the 400s are easily transferrable to the 1000s (and 800s I assume).

Considering 99% of clubs use the 1000s I'd say it's a good way for someone on a budget to get some experience using Pioneer CDJs if they want to start playing out.

The USB function is very good, I plugged my phone in to it the other day and it picked up the music on there no problem.
A nice Demo of the Pioneer CDJ-400

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