Podcast mega-list?


Feb 28, 2008
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Hi! I was wondering if there is a 'directory' of podcasts available for the DJs on the station. I haven't heard anything bad yet... and I want more! I tried searching for podcast lists about ten different ways, but I keep getting more posts returned than I can browse through without my head exploding. So... anything out there?
Is there a particular client used for the torrents? I tried a few with Bitcomet and kept getting a "torrent not registered with this tracker" error... Perhaps it was just the torrent. I'll try again.
Is there a particular client used for the torrents? I tried a few with Bitcomet and kept getting a "torrent not registered with this tracker" error... Perhaps it was just the torrent. I'll try again.

i've used Azureus with no problems, also i know others have utorrent which uses less system resourses....and i beleive the browser Opera has one built in
Is there a particular client used for the torrents? I tried a few with Bitcomet and kept getting a "torrent not registered with this tracker" error... Perhaps it was just the torrent. I'll try again.

did u register?
Bitcomet seems to be blocking the trackers on a lot of the torrents... I was able to get one of Magik's, but all the others were DHT only. I'll try uTorrent or Azureus and see what happens. Thanks!
