
Staff member
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Feel free to use any of the banners that were made to help promote afterhours.

remember please download them and host them on your host, cause they will be getting move from my host soon. So no linking :)

Thank You all for keeping this community strong and moving. :ah:
I hope my Sig is good enough, i use it for every website i go on so everyone should see the sites address at the bottom!
they are fine mate perhaps just a bit of work but they look fine to me

i will def promote
I havent got an up to date photoshop so ive had to do it on publisher thats why it isnt amazing but i think it send out the message! ill also leave a message on another website so people know!
more images added by Shane...

thank you Shane for a superb job
saturn said:
any way I could get a myspace code for your banner?

I suggest downloading the pic and upload it to your host... and then link it..
Dan said:
I suggest downloading the pic and upload it to your host... and then link it..
hot linking, bad, bad, bad! >P i will promote AH!
myabe afterhours should have his account on ? what do u think ? :P
