Something special for AH.FM listeners

Sasha Pidann

May 6, 2006
Reaction score
It's cold here in Calgary right now, snow up to your neck and sometimes you dont even want to go outside....

If you are snowed in and dont have anywhere to be, i think you will like this next mix that I hame specifically for a while back, although i passed it on to DAN, i dont think it got any air time.

So here is a link to it,

get worm, get comfortable, and enjoy!

And Dan, thank you for keeping this thing alive, I have a few gigs booked over the next month, and i will donate all proceeds to your wonderful project.

hope you guys enjoy it....

Best wishes Sasha Pidann
hello friend :) i`ll take this set and hear :) i`ll back with the edit :P

cheers :)
I'll take a listen later and post back when I have some time. Thanks!

TwisteR, your sets are unreal! What makes them really impressive is your young age and gender. Not to knock any female Djs out there, but some sets lack complexity and are devoid of any soul, but you really know what you are doing.

At 16 you are better than most Djs i have heard that are twice your age,

I really hope Dan gives you a show on AH.Fm

keep on doing what you are doing!

Big time respect,

Sasha Pidann
DOwnloaded this set earlier tonight...going to listen to it tonigt maybe =) depends if i manage to stay awake..
Or else first thing tomorrow.

Did you guys like the set or what?

just wondering if the flow and drive was appropriate. some feedback would be appreciated
Im in europe in a cafe :( cant listen but I will once I get back.

I need to listen to twisters show aswell. but now I have family issues to take care of :(
Im in europe in a cafe :( cant listen but I will once I get back.

I need to listen to twisters show aswell. but now I have family issues to take care of :(

Hang in there man. Im ROOTIN' for ya!!! :super:
It's cold here in Calgary right now, snow up to your neck and sometimes you dont even want to go outside....

If you are snowed in and dont have anywhere to be, i think you will like this next mix that I hame specifically for a while back, although i passed it on to DAN, i dont think it got any air time.

So here is a link to it,

get worm, get comfortable, and enjoy!

And Dan, thank you for keeping this thing alive, I have a few gigs booked over the next month, and i will donate all proceeds to your wonderful project.

hope you guys enjoy it....

Best wishes Sasha Pidann

tried 3 times to d/l the set and wonderbar its d/l as we speak.

post later.
'And Dan, thank you for keeping this thing alive, I have a few gigs booked over the next month, and i will donate all proceeds to your wonderful project.'

this is a brilliant thought and thanks a lot for the support for this
great site.
I am downloading Special DEEP MIX right now,I will have a listen to in minutes

by the way Happy Birthday Sasha have a great one and all the best!
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