Hey man, Technoclub is an event series that was founded by Talla 2XLC back in December 1984 in Frankfurt, Germany. They played Industrial & EBM just like Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode and so on. The main sound of Technoclub nowadays is Trance music. Technoclub was held in different locations in like Omen, InDax or the famous Dorian Gray at Frankfurt airport (it was closed back in 2000). Nowadays it´s held at MTW Club, but for one night on 28th of December the Technoclub team moves to Moon 13 (Sven Vaeths former Cocoon CLub) for the big 30 years festival. 4 floors with electronic music from the very beginning of the 80s, Trance & Rave and Techno from the 90s to nowadays Trance music (more info: welovetechnoclub.com or facebook.com/technoclubfansite).
Talla was the one who founded the term Techno for electronic music.