Wailo will kick your ass
Wailo will kick your ass
not feeling go0od....sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, vomiting, headache....
why not?ummaaaa no!!
i feel to hot my body since yesterday night.i think i might be coming down with that now
why not?
i feel to hot my body since yesterday night.
when i was trying sleep out of sudden i felt like i was going to pass out. couldnt sleep. i was sweating like heck then 5 minutes later i was cold then in class i was sweating and everyon was cold. idk.same here i slept with no blanket and i woke up with my body hurting, make it even worse i busted my head coming down off my bed on the ceiling fan... so if i acting weird i might have a concussion..
when i was trying sleep out of sudden i felt like i was going to pass out. couldnt sleep. i was sweating like heck then 5 minutes later i was cold then in class i was sweating and everyon was cold. idk.
i think i might be coming down with that now
my balls were sweaty
shaved hsweaty balls are so annoying.my balls were sweaty
2012 is coming soonwell start taking some meds before it gets worse...i just noticed tht my left lung is starting to hurt
showers are good. or shave the balls DLumma thats just a lil too much info! go take a shower!
o-o wtf?