UV light reflection


May 27, 2008
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Does anyone know of some color that looks like some other color in regular light, but becomes very different in UV lightning?

It would be awesome to have a t-shirt that looks like a plain colored t-shirt in daylight, but turns into a cool pattern (or an ah logo maybe :)) in the right clubbing environments.
anything fluorescent :P
Does anyone know of some color that looks like some other color in regular light, but becomes very different in UV lightning?

It would be awesome to have a t-shirt that looks like a plain colored t-shirt in daylight, but turns into a cool pattern (or an ah logo maybe :)) in the right clubbing environments.

just to add to what Mr DFX said,

Ready to Use Marbling Inks Fluorescent Colours NEW on eBay, also, Paper Crafts Origami, Crafts (end time 24-Jun-08 18:03:18 BST)

you can buy fluorescent pains / inks that will glow under UV light. You can even buy glow in the dark paints that absorb the light and will glow for a while in the dark.
Does anyone know of some color that looks like some other color in regular light, but becomes very different in UV lightning?

It would be awesome to have a t-shirt that looks like a plain colored t-shirt in daylight, but turns into a cool pattern (or an ah logo maybe :)) in the right clubbing environments.

Fluor text. Blinding colors in daylight, true colors under UV:grinning:
