38. Full Tilt feat. Katrina Noorbergen - Letting Go (Jorn van Deynhoven Dub Mix) [Subculture]
Still a very good job remixing by Jorn :grinning:, yet while most others went with the vocal remix there was still this Dub Mix in case anyone didn't like the vocal...
37. Quest4Trance - The Final Prophecy (Matt Bukovski Remix) [Silent Shore]
Such a damn good remix by Matt of the anthem for the Quest4Trance Indoor Party in Amsterdam And he nearly had me thinking he'd change his sound of uplifting after this remix
The remix that introduced me to Andres Sanchez, en route to him getting full releases on Kill The Lights (collab), Slinky & Monster Digital (collab), along with having one of his new tracks signed to Blue Soho
29. Chris Metcalfe - Watching Over Me (James Dymond Remix) [Future Sound Of Egypt]
The last #1 of the last regular Top Twenty Tunes on the year as well as the last Extrema Winner of the year but no better for James to send out his 2012 with a bang than this
James Dymond striking again but during the Spring as part of an all-around solid release on Harmonic Breeze Now I just need an explanation from Amazon.com on why it hasn't been made available in the MP3 Store there