What Color of forum are you using?

What color of forum do you use?

  • Total voters
The green one. :)
Blue since i voted for this poll ;p Orange before
ah.. I changed back to organe. Im too used to it :)
hello everyone, I'm new in here :) ...and this topic seemed the first to attract my attention... as about the colour - I like them all, at the moment using blue, that's why I voted for blue, but depends on my state what colour I use :)
hello everyone, I'm new in here :) ...and this topic seemed the first to attract my attention... as about the colour - I like them all, at the moment using blue, that's why I voted for blue, but depends on my state what colour I use :)

:welcome: to the forums :)
hello everyone, I'm new in here :) ...and this topic seemed the first to attract my attention... as about the colour - I like them all, at the moment using blue, that's why I voted for blue, but depends on my state what colour I use :)

I voted for green due to the great post in green which

I noticed as I voted - but in effect my forum is in black

with red and white type - yes I know I have possibly

missed something on the set up but I am brand new.

Just noticed 1 second ago (very observant me) bottom of the web

page AH-Orange so I guess my vote for Green last night should have been

for Orange.

To be fair when I found the other post that tells you how to change your

colour scheme I decided against changing it as this is just about perfect

for me.

blue of course

hello im newest member at least till this post...

im using blue but honestly i like more the contrast color by orange... but i like a loto blue always so.... blue!!
hello im newest member at least till this post...

im using blue but honestly i like more the contrast color by orange... but i like a loto blue always so.... blue!!

sometimes blue...sometimes orange.....sometimes green....I don't like fixed colour skin.. :)
i got used to the orange :) but they all good, always good to have variety.
