What is your IQ?


May 28, 2006
Reaction score
I clicked on this banner to check my IQ... and it was an interesting test... just wanted to find out the average IQ on AH i guess.... (its something to do for 5 min)

i got 121... :deal:

Don't give a sh** about this...
i got bored after 5 questions and clicked true/false randomly for the rest of the questions and scored 100 lol
maybe i'll do it correctly and put you to shame ;)
128. and they try ta sell ya the full meal deal for $10? lol
Iq: 136
ok guys, this IQ talk is getting pretty hilarious! IQ test was developed to measure the developmental stage of 10 year olds. YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE TEST WHEN YOU ARE 10 for it to me theoretically and statistically meaningful. Average IQ stands at 100 that means that an average 10 year old's inteligence quotent should be at that level. If for example someone scores 125, that means that 10 year old IN THEORY is an intelectually developed as a 12 year old - Meaning that as the age increases the individual will have intelligence superiority over his peers. So unless you took the text at 10, it is absolutely meaningless.

Sorry guys
ok guys, this IQ talk is getting pretty hilarious! IQ test was developed to measure the developmental stage of 10 year olds. YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE TEST WHEN YOU ARE 10 for it to me theoretically and statistically meaningful. Average IQ stands at 100 that means that an average 10 year old's inteligence quotent should be at that level. If for example someone scores 125, that means that 10 year old IN THEORY is an intelectually developed as a 12 year old - Meaning that as the age increases the individual will have intelligence superiority over his peers. So unless you took the text at 10, it is absolutely meaningless.

Sorry guys

OK, so by my calculations, using some very basic mathematical extrapolation of 100 = 10 year old, therefore IQ= 10 x intelectual age.

That makes me as inteligent as a 12 year old, almost turning 13:rolleyes:

Yup, thats about right:P

WOW, this really is Accurate:wow:
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wow... i thought i would only get 3 posts from this.. .lol... sorry ... i was bored... Dan please close this thread... im not as think as u dumb i am... haha
