What the f**K?!?

I hope that is not true, cause if it is, whats going on in this world? wow this is just sadning and most of all disturbing.!!
Hej i am from Holland but they will never make it.
Almost everybody i know reacts like you guys do(and also me).
But this is al a part of democratie, we even have a Political Party for Animals
Laughing My Ass Off! Dude... I doubt that will happen, thats disgusting. And naked publicity is even more sad. Pedophiles are sick. None of them are normal people, it's either they're schitzophrenic or they have A.D.H.D. for their disorder. No normal human would have a fetish to children. Like, I can understand some people with fetishes for legs, feet, butt, etc. but not for little kids - thats completely disgusting.

This world is definately becoming a bit too much.
It's just plain messed up. You don't see any kids asking for sex on that party do ya? Just old guys wanting to do lil' boys. I really hope the world turns around, with all the stuff going these days, I would not be suprised if we died via self-bombing.

Just my 2c
DJ Sentinel
omg... it won't happen
Jorda said:
Laughing My Ass Off! Dude... I doubt that will happen, thats disgusting. And naked publicity is even more sad. Pedophiles are sick. None of them are normal people, it's either they're schitzophrenic or they have A.D.H.D. for their disorder. No normal human would have a fetish to children. Like, I can understand some people with fetishes for legs, feet, butt, etc. but not for little kids - thats completely disgusting.

This world is definately becoming a bit too much.

Well the press made a small story very big, but still it's a sick idea
The end of the world is comming if this is actually going to happen.
Jorda said:
Laughing My Ass Off! Dude... I doubt that will happen, thats disgusting. And naked publicity is even more sad. Pedophiles are sick. None of them are normal people, it's either they're schitzophrenic or they have A.D.H.D. for their disorder. No normal human would have a fetish to children. Like, I can understand some people with fetishes for legs, feet, butt, etc. but not for little kids - thats completely disgusting.

This world is definately becoming a bit too much.
HAHHA!!! :LMFAO: :LMAO: :hihi: :iagree:
Well ..... the free train travel for all idea doesn't seem so bad.
Yea. That's not going to get off the ground. I just know it.

I find this sick, as I have a teenage daughter, so it hits even closer to home.
Btw why is this in the polls section?
I agree it is quite sick. I just thought that given the context of the article the very last item mentioned was kind of ridiculous; and thought I'd use it for a bit humor.
I apologize if I offended anyones sensibilities.

I don't know why its in the polls section. As old as it is, I just stumbled on it.
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my reaction to all of this is :mask:
This idea presented in this news is sick... In Holand is a normal ...:|:confused:
what is normal in the netherlands ? :unsure:
