What's Ibiza like


Nov 30, 2007
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I was wondering, what's Ibiza like in terms of trance and that? I REALLY want to go but it costs a lot to go from Perth I believe, so I want to see for future plans what the trance scene is like there

thoughts from anyone who's been there?
To be honest mate, I wouldn't bother. Ibiza's been on the decline for years and trance-wise it's not been very good for a while I'm afraid. :smile1:

I've heard similar things... But I still wonder how it is... If I go one day, I am probably going to be disappointed though because I have had huge expectations :lol:
If there's one club worth going to it's Amnesia. You'll need to remortgage your house to afford the bar prices (buying a drink anywhere in Ibiza is a bit like being mugged) and they cram so many people in there's generally not enough standing room for everyone. If you're lucky, find a speaker to stand on then you might be able to dance :grinning:

By all means do Ibiza for the experience but don't go with any big expectations. Since I went last time they've apparently been cracking down on clubbers and tourists even more, and I suspect that within 5 years or so the locals will want to reclaim the island altogether...
If there's one club worth going to it's Amnesia. You'll need to remortgage your house to afford the bar prices (buying a drink anywhere in Ibiza is a bit like being mugged) and they cram so many people in there's generally not enough standing room for everyone. If you're lucky, find a speaker to stand on then you might be able to dance :grinning:

By all means do Ibiza for the experience but don't go with any big expectations. Since I went last time they've apparently been cracking down on clubbers and tourists even more, and I suspect that within 5 years or so the locals will want to reclaim the island altogether...

i heard somewhere that latvia/estonia and maybe a few other former eastern bloc countries have become a huge party place :wow:...maybe some of you mates in the UK can varify whether that is indeed true or not..:mask:
i heard somewhere that latvia/estonia and maybe a few other former eastern bloc countries have become a huge party place :wow:...maybe some of you mates in the UK can varify whether that is indeed true or not..:mask:

In Poland during summer you have at least two events/gigs every month ( in the year there is a big event every 5 - 6 weeks ). This summer there is only 3 weekends with no event going on. Lots of styles, lots of stars, beach parties, stadium/open air ones and of course under roof ones. Loads :music: And I must say that they are more than affordable for foreigners :mask:
In Poland during summer you have at least two events/gigs every month ( in the year there is a big event every 5 - 6 weeks ). This summer there is only 3 weekends with no event going on. Lots of styles, lots of stars, beach parties, stadium/open air ones and of course under roof ones. Loads :music: And I must say that they are more than affordable for foreigners :mask:

Poland FTW...:)

I was going to Sunrise...but had to postpone it...:cry:

:music:Ibiza is top i go every year. Cream at Amnesia on thursdays is the night. Armarda with Armin is good and you get a lot going on at the small beach clubs like Kanya. I am going in september for the closing partys. Check out my pics for some Ibiza snaps
The last great time I had was in 2004. Went for the closing parties and for once heard a quality set from Tiesto at Amnesia :)

I went last year for 4 days and it was toilet, I spent what I spent in 2004 for a week (£900) in 4 days last year.
Ibiza News | Ibiza Club News | Ibiza Club Reviews | Ibiza Opening parties | Ibiza Closing parties

DC10 Shut Down For 57 Days!

The 60 day closure order that was given to DC10 last season has risen again and because DC10 only shut for 2 days last season then they must now close for the remainder of the closure order.

DC10 attracts 1000’s of people every year to the island and they also have companies chartering flights to get out there for new year. DC10 has been open all winter doing parties and event organisers are gutted that the authorities have now decided to enforce this now.

looking at it from the authorities point of view they have obviously gone for maximum impact, they aloud the club to open and now they are shutting it down. 2 months of the summer season is almost all of it so if you want to get there this year you will have to start planning for September.

DC is not the only club though, a source close to Amnesia have revealed that they also fear another closing order as happened last year amnesia was forced to close during the summer because of laws that were broken in earlier years!

If it stays shut for the whole duration we will have to wait and see, last year they didn’t close for the whole order so maybe they will have a work around.

Its obviously devastating news for people going to the island in the next 60 days but wait and see, maybe Circo Loco will find a temporary home but im sure for the people that love it DC10 is the only home in Ibiza
So no DC10 and no Amnesia this summer? Another nail in the coffin methinks...:thumbsdown:
I'd love to go there...I even have a place to stay at a friend's apartment.Getting into Amnesia during the Armada nights, yeah!
Sad to hear that it's going that bad for Ibiza.. Would really like to experience it but well, what the heck, I'll just go to Sunny Beach next year :p Any of you know how the trance scene is like there ?
