• Welcome to AH.FM

    Join the Biggest EDM Community, engage in discussions, share music, and connect with fellow electronic music enthusiasts!

Whats your twitter, myspace or facebook?

Those are my Social network contacts. I'm Daniel Somma, a wannabe DJ/Producer. On my MySpace you can hear some of mine productions.

Daniel Somma's MySpace
Daniel Somma's Facebook
Daniel Somma's Twitter
Ani MySpace
Ani FaceBook

Will be happy if you add me, but please warn me that it`s you! :P
I'm on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace & SoundCloud

My music & technology inspired website is on Tumblr as well.

I guess you can say I'm well connected? :)

I also have the following IM accounts:

AIM - JohnnyOMG
MSN - johnnyomg@hotmail.com
Yahoo! - jnelli86
GTalk - mancinellij@gmail.com
Skype - PhishShticks

If you add me on any of my social networks or IM accounts, please let me know you're from AH.FM

Thanks! :dance:
