Where is the freaking trail?

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The Cat Lady

AH.FM Station Cat
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
It just makes me insane to not be able to get to the set that is playing.

A lot of the time, looking at the last post doesn't get me there, because it's the last post of the previous thread.

Searching doesn't get me there because it won't find the thread even if I type it in exactly as it's listed in the "Now Playing".

Most of the time, I can only get there because someone else posts the link in the thread I'm stuck in.

This is the one thing about AH that just makes me want to tear my hair out and cut my own throat. You've got to find a way to get me there, Dan. I just can't stand being lost all the time. It's awful. It's embarrassing. It makes me feel like a complete idiot. And that's just NOT GOOD.

Help me out here, Dan! Save me from Lost Thread Hell!
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It just makes me insane to not be able to get to the set that is playing.

A lot of the time, looking at the last post doesn't get me there, because it's the last post of the previous thread.

Searching doesn't get me there because it won't find the thread even if I type it in exactly as it's listed in the "Now Playing".

Most of the time, I can only get there because someone else posts the link in the thread I'm stuck in.

This is the one thing about AH that just makes me want to tear my hair out and cut my own throat. You've got to find a way to get me there, Dan. I just can't stand being lost all the time. It's awful. It's embarrassing. It makes me feel like a complete idiot. And that's just NOT GOOD.

Help me out here, Dan! Save me from Lost Thread Hell!

One thing I try is searching by date in title only, e.g. 03-01-2008 and then search for, e.g. "Adam Meza" in the return hits. But even so, sometimes date searches retrun all kinds of dates that I didn't input. Go figure. It's a dark art. :wow::lol:
search titles only best way :)

Soon you will be able to click on main panel it will link to actual threads.

please bare with us
search titles only best way :)

Soon you will be able to click on main panel it will link to actual threads.

please bare with us

I've tried searching the titles only many, many times, and I've gotten every thread EXCEPT for the one I'm looking for. Search does NOT work. Period. :P

How long from today is "soon", exactly? I need to be able to countdown the days until the end of my extreme frustration. :(
I've tried searching the titles only many, many times, and I've gotten every thread EXCEPT for the one I'm looking for. Search does NOT work. Period. :P

How long from today is "soon", exactly? I need to be able to countdown the days until the end of my extreme frustration. :(

I enabled FULL text search, works perfect , search by titles and paste in the date + dj name BINGO!! :)

As for the linking all next5, last5. It will happen hopefully this month, lots to code still :)

We will make a thread for bugs etc soon :)
or....wait for someone else to find it and post in it, than will be first thread :lol: :lol:

Hiya TCL!:hug:

Maybe try the "What's Going On" area.......under the heading "Latest Posts" than correspond that with what's at the"Live Playlist" ........ "On Air":)

Usually works for me!:beer2:
OMG! :wow: Not this again... I thought we already put a stop to this follow the trail business... :lol:

One thing I have learnt is that patiences is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait.
;) :)

usually people post the link to the next thread in the current thread. Look out for them.

also, click on the live sets and usually the top few threads are one of the threads that are the threads of the current set being played. they are normally ordered by date from newest at top and oldest at the end.

Also on the main page of the forum if you look where livesets is, the latest post is displayed of the thread that is currently being used.

The new panel is still being worked on. There's a lot of work to be done. Biggest thing is testing it and making sure that it works properly takes a lot of time.
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I was having the same problem as Cat Lady... now i just look for the dates. I have given up trying to search because the search results just return me to a page as if i havent searched anything.

Everything is how it is on the normal 'live set's page'

i saw a preview of new panel already, there's still some small bugs left that need to be ironed out, but other than it's looking very promising.
I was having the same problem as Cat Lady... now i just look for the dates. I have given up trying to search because the search results just return me to a page as if i havent searched anything.

Everything is how it is on the normal 'live set's page'

i´ll try to search the thread with the dates too:beer2:...is just matter of geting there:driver:
It's kind of like you have to wait for someone to post in the thread to be able to find it. :mask: :cat:
vBulletin's Search function is crappy and its not much that can be done about it, we have to live with it...:)

you may get this error:

vBulletin Message
The search term you specified (in) is under the minimum word length (5) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.

here's something that works for me everytime using a word from the set name, takes 5 seconds, and to get past the above Error use a "wild card" like a *..i.e. Main* (for T4L - Main Room).....:)

Search by Key Word....Search Titles Only

go at the bottom of the page and Save Search Preferences
(this will ensure that each time you do a search by default will only look in the titles)

than pick from... Search in Forum(s)....LiveSets @ AH.FM
(this will not be saved in your search preferences though, you will have to pick it each time you do a search)
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i order the shows by date and then i look for the show. if the set is older than a month i search using the first word of the tittle.

sql and mysql engines doesnt recognize words they look for letters match, you can try to search the first two words of the phrase and the result will be aceptable. :)

i always write the name of the dj and the shows appear. then i look for the dates. :grinning:

peace :hug:
this is what you get with my suggestion, it may seem a long processes but it isn't really, once your preferences are saved takes few seconds and you only get what you asked for :)


As long as Dan keeps his banner up in his signature just look him up and that will or should be the current Dj playing at the moment:)
As long as Dan keeps his banner up in his signature just look him up and that will or should be the current Dj playing at the moment:)

ha? ...what's wrong with the box in the top right hand corner? :P

...and we were talking about finding the thread not who's playing now, stop sniffing that lavender oil LMAO

ha? ...what's wrong with the box in the top right hand corner? :P

...and we were talking about finding the thread not who's playing now, stop sniffing that lavender oil LMAO

Oh! They fixed it:grinning:It was slow catching up with the current DJ

I see,thought the original post was where are we at now:P

LOL No lavender today:)Thank gawd.Pouring down a couple of kilos of Bergamot today.One of my personal favorites!!
Bergamot Essential Oil

Good morning to you too:hug:
Oh! They fixed it:grinning:It was slow catching up with the current DJ

I see,thought the original post was where are we at now:P

LOL No lavender today:)Thank gawd.Pouring down a couple of kilos of Bergamot today.One of my personal favorites!!
Bergamot Essential Oil

Good morning to you too:hug:


If you downloaded and used the Afterhours.fm radio player for Windows you would see exactly who is playing ;) :lol::lol: It even tells you the filename of the clips inbetween :mask: (by accident of course)

FileForum | AfterhoursRadio

Ugg! more downloads?^^^:)
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