Remember guys... if you really do love and appreciate all the work that's gone into it... donate some money to Dan by using the PayPal button at the top of the forums.
It doesn't matter how much you donate....every single little bit helps Dan keep things running. He's paying for all of this out of his own pocket. So please show your appreciation.
Thank You Dreamension, yes donations are great, afterhours is 100% non profit and operated on owners expense. The donations go towards ( servers bandwidth to run 192K and 96K, software licensing fees such as forums, hosting costs, domain regitration, and maintenance costs.)
If you guys enjoy this site, please help support it. Dan has put a lot of effort into it and it's great that he's sharing it with us. I would be so down in buying shirts if Dan could get some with the AH on it. What do yall think?