mmmmmmmmmmmmThey are interesting. We have similar thing - we have a kind of muchroom which lives on trees and eats all toxic stuff from them
mmmmmmmmmmmmThey are interesting. We have similar thing - we have a kind of muchroom which lives on trees and eats all toxic stuff from them
suissa isn't that bad... but i can't say that she,s better
That goes for pretty much all vocals tracks
We should have option 'Not hear crappy vocals' and 'Not see ''smiley posts'' '
yes yesThat goes for pretty much all vocals tracks
playdoh stop lurking and give me a beer
A-M you too
i don't like to stick anything in my ears, besides 99% of the tracks the instrumental part is good
wb boy wonderI'm back and if ur wondering i had more than 1 errand to do.
might also have to do with the background sounds and that!! i duno something about that song makes her voice just stick right out so you can't ignore it!!
i duno maybe if there is a different remix that comes out sooner or later it might become something amazing!
wat am i listenin 2 know
is it thrill??????????????
damnLOL i always use earpluggs and have isloater headphones that go in ear!! so i am use to it!! but it does cut you off from the world so at times it is definitely not the best idea!
wb boy wonder
everyone has his/her unique taste i guess:grinning:
thxwb boy wonder
everyone has his/her unique taste i guess:grinning:
i lost count how many times i never saw tht car coming
u get used to it
true. not everyone is gonna like the same taste of music you make like. I put an end to such a dispute like that (and in a good way) a couple of days ago.
that's called maturing!:grinning:
is this the sad track?