i'm back to Lazarus
that was quick! i wish i could cook and eat food that fast! lol
that was quick! i wish i could cook and eat food that fast! lol
jumpin jack piccoloi'm back to Lazarus
Please feel free to let him know - he's currently serving with the military so doesn't get on much a the mo but I'm sure he'd appreciate the show of support :smile1:
i don't know what i have on my eye today, i can't see very well, all blurry
i woke like that
thanks! :blush:OMG really liking this
yeah mate thanks for that, just sent him a PM !!! woot!!
Maybe all these late nights on AH? Hope you get well soon though :smile1:i don't know what i have on my eye today, i can't see very well, all blurry
i woke like that
i´m ok,trying to find some information for college,and how are you?:grinning:HEy JD! how you doing today?
i don't know what i have on my eye today, i can't see very well, all blurry
i woke like that
thats all the alcohol you drank at the weekend catching up with you