how you doing t4e? I have headache from hell, but actually stuck it out through Nocturnal. Was pretty good set. In past I've been vocal about my feelings about Darey as no talent and boring, but today he demonstrated just how wrong I was. I think I need to log onto his boards just to thank him publicly for such a great silent tribute to Polar :grinning:
And was also nice to just have so much music w/o the ubiquitious incessant voice over promos. Some nice class.
Now left feeling kind of bummed out about the whole mess tough...
Note- not to take anything away from this fine set :grinning:
And was also nice to just have so much music w/o the ubiquitious incessant voice over promos. Some nice class.
Now left feeling kind of bummed out about the whole mess tough...

Note- not to take anything away from this fine set :grinning:

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