08-11-2006 AH is 6 Months old.


Staff member
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Great News... were 6 months old today!!

I would like to thank everyone for all their help and support. Youve made this community grow. Once Again thank you.

Some stats to this day.

Avg Listeners: 80
DJ's: 98
7 192K servers: USA, Hungary, Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands
3 96k servers: USA, Hungary, Germany
20.000 Uniq on website a month!!

To do list:
1. New front website
2. 24 aac stream or 48. ( for low band listeners )
3. Afterhours DJ POOL
4. Live broadcasts
5. Providing better quality shows, more guest mixes, more events.
6. +++ more +++


Please comment what you think and your ideas.
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I have to say it's quite amazing what you've accomplished so far. Keep up the great work!
Looking forward to the future :)

(BTW: Don't forget about the option for live broadcasts ;))
AH has certainly come along way and watching it grow hasb een exciting. Im proud to say im a part of this website and the community it creates. I cant wait to see what the future has in store
Well, I haven't been around the whole time but I can say that on my short time that I have been here, I really enjoyed a lot of the mixes and especially benelux in the mix which was a great idea and I hope a lot more of those will follow ;)

keep up the good work!
Thanks to Dan, you deserve all my respect :) Im proud to be part of this awseome radio station ... that combine young fresh talent whit some masters of the trance scene :choon: We have to put are enegy together and look toward 2007, to built a serious reputation around the EDM community :fu:

Long life to A.H radio :ah:
thank you all for great words :)
will keep doing my best.
Long live AH.FM!

Keep rocking and thanks a bunch for making the DJs heard ;)
I came on here kinda early and did my first show for 30 people max. Now, 9 episodes later i did my show for 90 listeners :) U can clearly see the progress of the radio, website and shows over here :) Lots of very good residents over here and i'm so happy that I can participate in here by giving shows every 2 weeks :)
I'm sure AH will keep on progressing and reach an average of 100 listeners very soon :)

keep up the good work Dan , and the Crew too, doing a good job. And thanks to all deejays too, but most of all: the listeners for keeping tuned at AH :) :drum: :star:
Congratulations Dan!

I think and I feel this is the first Digital Radio station just for Dj´s...!

I´m not a DJ btw! hehe, but I feel like one here!

The awesome perfomance just say this to me!

Keep working this way my friend, The force is with you! :)

Acuario51 aka Rafael

regards from Venezuela!
Massive respect to Dan and everyone supporting (donating to) the site ;)

AH has become HOOOOOOOOGGE!!
Awesome job DAN! YOU provide the best! Thanks for all the hard work

Every time I come hear to listen, I feel like I am getting music I don't get anywhere else. Pretty special....the DJ's here are unbeatable!
w0000t! happy birthday!!! all we need is live broadcasting from clubs and wre set!
Hi!! Congratz AH....this is a really really good station! and many thanks Dan for support Innertrance!

Hope it will be 6 months more...or years :=).

Hasta Siempre!
Angel Ace
Keep your station growing m8! It's constantly a pleasure to be aired on your station.

Wish you even more Djs and listeners for the future.


