Can't understand a word - believe me !
Very nice track here, btw

Can't understand a word - believe me !
Very nice track here, btw
btw you know what the real name is of "knut 2"? (the baby polar in Neurenberg)...can't find it anywhere...Can't understand a word - believe me !
Very nice track here, btw
btw you know what the real name is of "knut 2"? (the baby polar in Neurenberg)...can't find it anywhere...![]()
Woah you didn't know?!two cubs killed by their mother ( in free nature done only when the mother knows the youngters have no chance to survive : ill, for instance )
About the third one of a different mother I've done no info search myself yet, LOL ! Your question came ' out of the blue ' to me !
btw you know what the real name is of "knut 2"? (the baby polar in Neurenberg)...can't find it anywhere...![]()
"Mutter zunehmend nervös geworden"
"Wir haben uns zum Einschreiten entschlossen, da die Mutter offensichtlich keinen sicheren Platz mehr für das Junge gefunden hat und zunehmend nervös geworden ist", sagte Zoodirektor Dag Encke am Dienstag. Bislang hatten es die Verantwortlichen abgelehnt, in die Aufzucht einzugreifen. Das galt auch noch einen Tag nach dem Tod der beiden Babys des Eisbärenweibchens Vilma. Vermutlich waren beide Jungtiere krank und daraufhin von der Mutter aufgefressen worden.
Woah you didn't know?!
The first two were eaten by their mothers...the third one was pushed away by her mother a couple of days ago, to prevent it from dying aswell the zoo's staff has decided to raise her by hand, just like Knut![]()
looks like it yes...and just found why i can't find her name...she doesn't have one yet...they're organizing some sort of contest to come up with a name.
Woah you didn't know?!
The first two were eaten by their mothers...the third one was pushed away by her mother a couple of days ago, to prevent it from dying aswell the zoo's staff has decided to raise her by hand, just like Knut![]()
REVEL DIfrent STYLE Today![]()
The girl you lost to cocaine (SvD remix) is coming
And my dinner and work as well.. So see you later![]()