12-03-2008 Manuel Le Saux - Extrema 080

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    Votes: 22 95.7%
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    Votes: 1 4.3%
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or is this Ben Gold.... anyway Flux Deluxe seems to be the thing today :lol:
cool, doing fine today. finally could tune in in the middle day

how are you piccoli bro!!! :hug:

well well, well, and happy with this tuuuuunes:super::super::super:
jddavid86, Bitman 2.0, Faustus, paddyoneil, Smithers, kees, trace of trance, trancehead82, t4e, Matt Trigle, piccoli, xander2v2, lolosormiou, DistantLand, TimmyNether, Ilian, BassT4ken, AngelEyes, Arctic_Moon, peb070, greko, The Cat Lady, Adam Meza, robejaegs, Batman, c00l.d00d, JACS, Tomek, Noir

Is pretty busy in here now! :super:
haven´t seen you,hi:wave::grinning:
jddavid86, Bitman 2.0, Faustus, paddyoneil, Smithers, kees, trace of trance, trancehead82, t4e, Matt Trigle, piccoli, xander2v2, lolosormiou, DistantLand, TimmyNether, Ilian, BassT4ken, AngelEyes, Arctic_Moon, peb070, greko, The Cat Lady, Adam Meza, robejaegs, Batman, c00l.d00d, JACS, Tomek, Noir

Is pretty busy in here now! :super:

Already voted guess what ????? :super::super::super::super:
Suddenly I want to hear Stenna - Skyline :lovers: :mask:
i need a cig after this couple of mindblasting tunes *phew*


Le Saux carry on
This is one gorgeous tune!

:dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:
